Hope in the Dark



Shanghai, China





Their works of art not only have function and aesthetic effect, but also, pay attention to human instinct.

Marissa Meyer

Project Manager

Project Story

Hope in the dark is a tiny blip of expression to help bring meaning against a context of grief; a backdrop of hopelessness. A minor homage and token of thought to friends on two sides of a violent divide.

In the face of darkness, the is a glimmer of hope, a flicker of light.

Of the two sides we speak of – one now stares into a deep long abyss of scarcity, economic hardship, of livelihoods uprooted for an unwanted and unjust cause. Of children coerced into conflict, blinkered from the truth. On another side; recipients of aggression, of lives lost and lives upended to an end unknown.
The lucky flee to welcoming arms who still curry empathy; they remain steadfast in defiance (hollowly backed by international condemnation).
Perhaps decades brewing? regardless, nothing justifies the horror and hardship.

No one gains from conflict. suffering is needless, cities razed, and lives extinguished.

Art can serve to give meaning in moments of madness, an outlet of expression to tell stories, and narrative to bring conciliation.
What little hope there is we cling to doggedly, looking for a beacon to answer our prayers, searching for hope in the dark.

To our friends in Russia and Eastern Europe.

‘Hope in the Dark’ is a lighting device that exploits the basics of physics by refracting light through an optical prism, scattering radial beams of light from its linear source.
The white light from the concealed LED COB bulb has a limited spectrum of wavelengths and, as such retains its principle white color tone (sunlight would be refracted into a broad spectrum of colors).

Fixture designed by :Atelier I-N-D-J Team
Manufactured by Langchu team

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